~Lori Michel--Linda, I just had to tell you! My sister got saved, and the Lord let ME lead her in the prayer! We were on vacation in the mountains for 3 days and we read your devotional together each morning. Do you remember autographing one for me to give to her? On the 2nd day it happened! On April 25, 2010 my sister, Kay got saved !!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing and crying at the same time !!!!!!!!!
Thank you for all of the times you prayed for her over the years. God is SO GOOD!
Love you,
~Kay Bukovec--Just a note to let you know how much I am enjoying reading "Babes With A Beatitude."
~Kay Bukovec--Just a note to let you know how much I am enjoying reading "Babes With A Beatitude."
Keep Writing!
~Ben and I were just window shopping waiting for a movie he was going to yesterday...I saw your sign at the front of Borders out of the corner of my I and was compelled to compliment the title Babes with a Beatitude!
I have not been a perfect candidate for "Babehood." Especially since hitting my mid 40's, I had an attitude every once in a while, that I surprised a few family members and friends with some uncharacteristic "Crabapple" very assertive, slightly aggressive moments!
I don't regret being assertive, I do regret the frustration and overflow of emotion this stage in life exposes. I have told Ben about the Beatitudes his whole life, we even discussed it when he asked me questions about some of his friends commenting they were giving up soda, candy, texting for Lent.
I told him when I was his age my Sunday school teacher urged us to be in the heart of Jesus and not just think about giving something up, but doing something in Christ's image. Even the smallest unconditional act of kindness brings you closer.
I love the book so much, and I will treasure it in our transition from this place we love and enter a new chapter in North Carolina. Ben and I sat looking up all our loved ones Birthdates and reading aloud while we sat outsede and had a cold drink
enjoying our beautiful Saturday afternoon.
Valerie Cerabone Perez