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Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Loser Cruiser--by Linda Kozar

When Babes With A Beatitude releases in December, you'll get to read all about my Loser Cruiser! That's a VAN to the uninitiated. A standard Mommy mobile!

Mine is a 2000 Toytota Sienna with lots of mom miles on it. I drove the girls to soccer, basketball, baseball, swim and tennis practices, gymnastics, dance, art and music lessons, movies, the mall and everything in between.

I'm quite certain there are runaway French fries and Cheerios in the dark chasms between the seats. Milkshakes and orange sodas left permanent stains on the carpet. The leather seats are worn and cracked. The door handle on the left passenger side comes right off! There's a picture of me holding it in my hand! Take a gander at that!

Don't get me wrong--I've loved every minute in my loser cruiser, but feel that it's time to think about trading it in. My kids are grown up and I've grown out of the need to drive a van. I'm ready for something sporty, fun and RED! Maybe polka dot! Or Leopard! WOOHOO.

But not quite yet. I'm still teaching my 16 year old to drive. That's where owning a loser cruiser comes in handy!

The thing I love most about my cruiser though are my RAPTURE READY FISH on the back of the VAN. That's right. Like many other Christian families out there, I express my faith to the world by attaching a silver metal fish, one for each member of my family, (the Biggest One represents Jesus) to the rear bumper of my vehicle. HOWEVER, with me, there's always a twist!

I pointed my fish facing upward. WHY? Because they're ready for Jesus to come back and RAPTURE them! Do I hear an AMEN???

So let me know what you think. I hope that many of you will feel inspired enough to slap some RAPTURE READY fish to your vehicle.

WOO HOO! Jesus is coming back!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer--and the living's easy. . .by Linda Kozar

When I think of lazy summer days, I can't help remembering many summers past. The sun-washed picture above is from a family vacation a year ago--in Destin, Florida. Michael, the girls and I were on a virtually deserted beach at sunset--like we were the only people in the whole entire world. As the sun began to descend, it embellished everything with a golden glow--a true Midas touch. Even the shells looked glorious!

In the cast of that golden light, I thought about the Lord and how His light changes the way we look at everything. The very moment a person is born again, the world begins to look different and so do we. In fact, nothing will never look the same again. The lens of God's love has a very different focus. When we see people with the love of Christ, compassion wells up inside. When we look upon our Father's world, we see its infinite beauty and complexity.

So today, whether you stand alone upon a windswept beach, upon a majestic mountain with a breathtaking panorama below, or in a lawn chair by a kiddie pool, rejoice in the light of the Lord and in the day He has made for you.

"Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen on you" Isaiah 60:1 KJV

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Traveling Thoughts

Last week, my husband and I took a trip to Washington, D.C. There was much to see and do, and we wanted to do it all! We rushed around, trying to take in as many museums, monuments, and special exhibits that we could find. No matter how hard we tried, though, we weren't able to fit everything into the time slot allotted.

On the last day, we had a few hours before heading to the airport. After getting our breakfast coffee and scone, we took a seat in the shop by a big plate glass window. Gazing on the mass of humanity rushing by, we saw many people who seemed on their way to do busy and important things. A jogger, intense in his concentration, shutting out the world with his iphone, and looking only ahead as he focused on his destination. A young businesswoman, her hair perfectly styled, dressed professionally, and having a serious conversation with her male colleague as they were off to solve the world's problems.

And then, we noticed something else. A young family across the street. A mom, dad, and baby in a stroller. They seemed so happy, as they slowly meandered down the road. Looking as if they had nowhere in particular to go, but happy just the same, enjoying just being together on a week-end morning.

I realized we hadn't been much different than all those other bustling, busy Washingtonians. Even though we were on vacation, we were rushing around like the world would come to an end if we didn't see this exhibit, or that monument. When instead, we could have been enjoying the moment. The sun on our faces, the freedom to not have to be anywhere or do anything in particular.

Isn't that what God wants for us? He doesn't speak in the earthquake, but in the still, small voice. He wants us to stop rushing around, be still, and listen to Him.

"Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for it's mother's milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me."
Psalm 131:2

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Musings on a Last School Lunch--by Linda Kozar

At 6:00 this morning as I stumbled out of bed, I realized that today--Tuesday, June 2nd is a milestone. It is the day I make my Senior her very last school lunch. The last day I pack a familiar brown bag with an apple, homemade oatmeal cookies, pretzels, a fruit roll-up and a peanut butter 'n jelly sandwich. . .the culmination of 12 years.

So I sat down to write my daughter a special note. It's not the first time I've tucked a special note into her lunch, but today will be the last. . .

Here it is:

Lunch Bag Blues

Ham, turkey, peanut butter and jelly--even pasta salad I've packed in your lunch,
'Cause I am your mother
And I love you a BUNCH,
Now this is the last one
Enjoy it my honey,
Now you have to go into the world and make money!
(after college, that is),
So when you eat a Hot Pocket
in your messy dorm room,
Think of the lunches I packed for noon,
They were packed with goodies
from below to above,
But the most important part of your lunch
was my love.

Love you forever my honeybunch!

Am I done with making lunches? No way. I have two more years of lunches to make for my youngest daughter. And I will relish every minute of it!