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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Answered Prayer--by Jill McKechnie

Last week, on a run to the local coffee shop, I had a very encouraging encounter. An anwered prayer, really. Hopefully, this story will also encourage you.

As I sat in the coffee shop with my cup of java and a blueberry scone, I was contemplating family life. In other words, "Would it be illegal for me to hit my kids over the head? Could I knock some sense into them? Would that help to turn around their attitudes?

Seriously, though, I had been praying a lot for wisdom to guide them and train them. They had been drilled with scriptures, grown up going to church, and taught the difference between right and wrong. They had both asked Jesus into their hearts and been baptized. Why were they morphing into meanies?

While thinking these not very motherly thoughts, a lovely older woman sat down next to me. We began to chat. It turns out that she had raised three boys of her own down in the big city (Houston proper). She and her husband had just moved north a few months ago, and she was still getting acclimated to finding her way around.

As we delved deeper into our conversation, we started talking about our families, and I expressed my frustration with my kids (both boys), and how I felt I had no idea what I was doing. I had been feeling really discouraged by their rebelliousness, lack of response to their father and me, etc. I'm sure many of you can relate. Well, the Lord answered my prayer through this lovely woman! Let's call her June.

June and her husband had an awful time with their oldest son in high school. He picked up two DUIs and had been in jail. At one of the darkest times she prayed to the Lord, and God answered her prayer. God told her that He was in control, and that He would speak directly to her son. A couple of days later, her son called to say, "I've got to get out of Houston, can you help me?" They contacted a military academy, their son was accepted, and lo and behold, he did turn his life around. When his two younger brothers graduated from high school, the older brother talked them into also attending this academy. The oldest son is now a successful adult, married, with children of his own. When their family was going through such turmoil and anguish as a result of the older son's behavior, June couln't imagine that one day things would be better, and that her son would become a responsible adult.

As June finished her story, I thanked her for encouraging me, leaned back in my chair and thought about what she had said. Worrying and fretting about my boys accomplished nothing but an upset stomach. I needed to remember the One who is really in charge and trust Him. Matthew has a lot to say about worry in chapter 6, but I'll just quote one bit ."Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?" Matthew 6:27.

No, they can't. Though we may not have control over our circumstances (or our children!), God is a loving and gracious God. He will not forget us or forget them.

Thank you, Lord for answering my prayer and assuring me that You will always be there to guide my kids, whether I am there or not.


Linda Kozar said...

Jill--Good message! I'm always amazed at God's divine appointments. Sounds like both you AND June had one:)

Jillya said...

Aint that the truth!

DanielleFrancoise said...

You're right...I can't worry one more minute onto the end of my life!! Thank you for that encouragement Jill =)

Dorothy McCann said...

Jill, Thank you so much for sharing this. I know I'm a little late but... It is amazing to see God at work around us. He is always at work, but you saw Him, you met Him through your experience and then you told of His love.

A Thanksgiving Prayer - The God of love and peach shall be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11 May God keep you all the year through... God give you all the faith you need to make your dreams come true.